Lose Fat, Engage Muscle

Body Recomposition After Age 40

Mindful Movement

A health coach mentors and guides their clients towards their fitness goals using a series of strategies including:

  • Teaching movement techniques to prevent injury
  • Developing personalized programming to keep fitness fun and engaging
  • Motivating and encouraging clients to achieve their goals
  • Tracking progress
  • Providing accountability to keep clients focused on the long game

At Michael Baker Wellness, we view physical activity as an absolute necessity. Any way you choose to move your body is physical activity, and it’s essential to listen to what your body needs and choose movement that feels authentic, joyful, and supportive for you. It’s also important to know that putting your body in motion is a powerful act that benefits more than your muscles. Movement gets energy flowing, reduces stress, boosts mood, and can even sharpen your ability to focus.

Prioritizing physical activity is an act of self-love and self-care. By carving out time to move your body, you’re giving yourself the gift of energy, focus, and strength. Physical activity is bio-individual. You can create more space for movement in a way that feels natural, authentic, and enjoyable and adds to your overall quality of life. Your approach can be whatever works for you and will change and evolve over time.


2016: Just lost a bunch of weight. Bloated, muscles not engaged, visceral fat. 37" waist. 41 years old, 5' 7" @ 185lbs


2022: Light, comfortable, no bloat. 32" waist. 47 years old, 5' 7" @ 168lbs

My Process:

  1. 1.
    Discovery - With total honesty, assess your habits, lifestyle, caloric intake & objectives.
  2. 2.
    Clean House - Begin to replace all conventional food with real whole food.
  3. 3.
    Action - You put small actionable steps into place. Nothing drastic, nothing overwhelming.
  4. 4.
    Movement - Learn how to incorporate natural movement into daily life.
  5. 5.
    Integrate - Seamlessly add powerful new habits while removing old ones.
  6. 6.

Coaching for body transformation

If you've been on a health kick and weight loss journey, there's a good chance you've hit a wall.  I'm here to get you past that point. Despite doing everything "right," your body isn't responding as expected. The routines that worked in your 20s or 30s don't cut it anymore, and you want to look and feel your best. Strong and light.

What to eat, when to eat, what to avoid. Should I eat this? Will it make me fat? Will it help me build muscle? How much protein do I need? Should I include carbs? Keto, low-fat, Mediterranean, vegan, carnivore, fasting, time-restricted... it's endless.

Working out brings about similar concerns. Heavy weights or light weights? What cardio is best? How often should I exercise? It's enough to drive you mad.

The fact is, by the time you hit 40, most people have developed habits that lead to ongoing weight gain and muscle loss. It's always easier to choose comfort over the necessary work.

And here's the thing: I want you to be learn enough from my coaching to achieve an effortless relationship with food & exercise anywhere you go, for the rest of your life. This is real education with sound, sustainable action and accountability. You learn, you lose fat, you gain strength, you live well!

But you need to be willing to hear the truth and put in the work! In other words you must be ready.

Are you ready? Let's talk!


Exercise alone will never work for weight loss until your diet is under full control

The amount of calories "burned" running 7 miles for an hour straight is about 1000 calories. 6 Sam Adams Summer Ales are about 1000 calories. It's impossible to sustain beating your body up physically, especially after 40, to offset overeating (and drinking) the wrong foods at the wrong times. I will say it again, you will never lose weight and keep it off until you learn about and control food, no matter how hard you exercise.
1000 calories burned. 60 minutes road running.
1000 empty calories of bloat

Lose the Fat, Keep the Muscle.

I didn't set out to become a Before and After photo: I set out to reverse my "dad bod".

Steady weight gain, tight shirts, abdominal & visceral fat, full body bloat and inflammation, unmanageable energy levels, alcohol fueled binges. Sound familiar?

My personal transformation took about six years.

"Little by little, a little becomes a lot"

Years later, I continue to get a little leaner, month after month, without even thinking about it.

The protocol I used on myself to bring me back from  chronic inflammation, bloat, being heavy, uncomfortable and which afforded me this sustainable weight loss, is exactly what I will navigate you through. It works. It creates the foundation for the healthy relationship with food & movement that I'm always going on and on about.

What you can't see in my "After" pictures is just how liberated I feel. Liberated from being uncomfortable, bulky and cumbersome. Having no issues, ever, about how much and what to eat. No issues with sustainable natural movement and exercise.

Now I am comfortable with my shirt on or off. In a suit with a jacket or a bathing suit.  The heaviness and burden left me.

So if posting unflattering Before and After photos helps you make the decision, it's worth it. I know I can help you - whether you have 100lbs to lose or want to reshape your body.

Hello, I’m Michael Baker. I am a 49-year-old strength trainer, certified Yoga teacher, former yoga studio owner, certified health coach, and dedicated health and wellness practitioner with over 30 years of experience. I began "Get Up Earlier" (GetUpEarlier.com) because getting up earlier was step 1 in transforming my routine and overall well-being, especially after spending years sitting at a computer as a digital professional.

Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Health Coach.
25 Year WFH Professional


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