Call it motivation, inspiration or just a swift kick in the ass. David Goggins is one of the people I hear in my head when I need a push. In this video I go to 250 air squats in a row, a new PR for me at 49 years old. My previous PR was 200:

David Goggins is one of the many bright lights I discovered through the Joe Rogan podcast @joerogan @hubermanlab @FoundMyFitness @PeterAttiaMD

When I started doing air squats years ago I could barely do sets of 25. Doing these in the woods along with hill sprints, hiking and pushups is one of my favorite forms of exercise and movement.

The next day aka “Day After Legs” I’ll do a good leg recovery yoga sequence. I made one here:

20 Yoga Stretches for Runners & Lifters – 30 Min – Recovery Yoga For Me

#Run #Hike #Lift #Yoga #menswellness

Michael Baker
Just a #wfh digital marketing dad in the burbs being inspired (and hopefully do some inspiring myself)


Bridging the gap from inactivity and poor diet to strength and healthy habits

Hello, I’m Michael Baker. I am a 49-year-old strength trainer, certified personal trainer (ISSA), running coach (ISSA), health coach (IIN) & yoga teacher (yoga alliance). I'm also a former yoga studio owner, and dedicated health and wellness practitioner with over 30 years of experience. I began "Get Up Earlier" ( because getting up earlier was step 1 in transforming my routine and overall well-being, especially after spending years sitting at a computer as a digital professional. [read more about me here]


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