In this video, I stress the crucial importance of dedicating a daily half-hour to self-care through physical exercise. I discuss how prioritizing this time can significantly impact your stress management, decision-making, and overall well-being. Learn why morning self-care routines are key to setting a positive tone for your day. Watch for valuable insights on making self-care a priority in your life.

🕒 0:00:00 – Introduction emphasizing the importance of daily self-care through exercise.
0:00:49 – Emphasizing that self-care should be a top priority, not to be canceled unless for emergencies.
0:01:19 – Discussing the consequences of skipping exercise, such as increased stress and poor decision-making.
0:01:47 – Highlighting how exercise helps manage stress and prevents outbursts.
0:02:12 – Mentioning the importance of dealing with life’s stresses and excuses for skipping workouts.
0:02:33 – Stressing the commitment to exercise over other obligations.
0:03:00 – Willingness to prioritize exercise even over work obligations.
0:03:24 – Explaining the significance of morning self-care routines and their impact on the day.
0:03:34 – Acknowledging family stresses and the busy adult lifestyle.
0:04:04 – Reinforcing the importance of morning self-care.
0:04:34 – Describing the positive effects of exercise and the need for resistance training.
0:05:18 – Discussing the need for a schedule, emphasizing the importance of time management.
0:05:44 – Encouraging creating a sense of urgency and making time for exercise in the morning.
0:06:08 – Sharing a personal experience of early morning exercise.
0:06:31 – Discussing the determination to exercise regardless of conditions.
0:06:59 – Encouraging prioritizing morning exercise over other obligations.
0:07:23 – Stressing the importance of stress management through exercise and its impact on health.
0:07:51 – Comparing the benefits of exercise to other coping mechanisms.
0:08:20 – Offering assistance and coaching for those seeking to incorporate exercise into their lives.

Hello, I’m Michael Baker. I am a 49-year-old strength trainer, certified Yoga teacher, former yoga studio owner, certified health coach, and dedicated health and wellness practitioner with over 30 years of experience. I began "Get Up Earlier" ( because getting up earlier was step 1 in transforming my routine and overall well-being, especially after spending years sitting at a computer as a digital professional.

Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Health Coach.
25 Year WFH Professional

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