

Why am I gaining weight so fast in my 40’s? – Updated Sep 10, 2023



1. You cannot out-train or out-exercise an unchecked diet.

"Exercise is a terrible strategy for weight loss" -Mark Sisson

You can't use your stored energy (fat) if you are supplying your body with food all the time. You'll never utilize the fat on your body as energy. Your body will use what you give it first. Every time. Stop punishing yourself with cardio after binging on alcohol and appetizers!

Even if you're getting pure whole foods, eating too much too often will make you gain weight. But when you sprinkle in 8 drinks (1200 calories) and fried apps (1500 calories) on Friday, big hangover breakfast (2000 calories), random food and cake (1500 calories) at a kids party on Saturday and 1/2 a pizza and beer (1500 calories) on Sunday, you are going totally unchecked and weight starts to pile on. These foods are empty and typically they are above and beyond meals.  Even if you run, lift weights and do the elliptical for an hour a day, you won't scratch the surface of the volume of calories you took in.

2. You're being poisoned.
When I begin a relationship with a new client that is overweight or in any way looking to get healthier, the absolute first step is acknowledgement and identification of the foods and drinks they are taking in. Many of them are human poisons masked as actual food.

The Primary Offenders: Sugar, fake sugar, alcohol, GMO grains, GMO oils, seed oils, processed everything—these are all substances that your body struggles to or simply cannot process, especially in abundance.

Unfortunately, dirtbag marketers often try to deceive consumers by adding terms like "simply", "all natural", "high protein", "plant based", "keto" to their garbage products. Restaurants are also guilty of withholding important information about the low-quality oils used in frying food, as well as the presence of GMO ingredients and hidden sugars. Sometimes, they intentionally deceive customers, while other times it's simply a cost-cutting measure or a result of ignorance.

To achieve optimal health, wellness, strength, and vibrance, it is crucial to educate yourself about various aspects of nutrition and eliminate poisons. By gaining knowledge in this area, you empower yourself with the ultimate tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

3. Overconsumption on repeat.
The reasons for overconsumption of food, drink, toxins and stress are unique to the individual. The biggest issue I've seen with nearly everyone that is overweight is eating and drinking far too much far too often while moving less and less and seeking comfort in the process.

The main cause of weight gain is consuming more calories than the body can burn. The key to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than the body needs on a daily basis. The USDA has set the default daily intake of calories at 2000, but this may vary depending on factors such as age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level. By consistently eating fewer calories than the body needs, stored fat is burned to fuel the body, resulting in weight loss. This is a gradual, safe process, not a sudden or drastic one.

That's it.


The amount of calories "burned" running 7 miles for an hour straight is about 1000 calories. 6 Sam Adams Summer Ales are about 1000 calories. It's impossible to sustain beating your body up physically, especially after 40, to offset overeating (and drinking) the wrong foods at the wrong times. I will say it again, you will never lose weight and keep it off until you learn about and control food, no matter how hard you exercise.
1000 calories burned. 60 minutes road running.
1000 empty calories of bloat

Tracking Calories
Have you ever considered tracking calories, even just for a week? Probably not. It used to be very difficult to do.

fatsecret appThe app "FATSECRET" is very helpful at tracking. It's also free. It has nearly every food and drink already entered and once you start to use it, it's smart at knowing your specific foods.

It really helps to uncover hidden calories and educate you as to how many calories are in foods and drinks you consume. But you can't lie to it. Enter everything,  especially everything you drink. Flavored coffee drinks, alcohol, juice, sports drinks, milk. All of it.

If you are supposed to eat/drink less than 2000 calories a day to lose weight and you eat/drink 2000+, you will steadily gain weight. Period.

You need to eat nutrient dense foods that total in calories less than your daily needs in order to tap into your stored fat.  Once you control the calories, you will instantly be on your way.

Take Action
Learn what the junk is and then stop buying the junk 

I genuinely want to help people feel better and be free. Please reach out if you need help. I can get you going in the right direction for life. No programs, no overwhelming apps. no nutty exercise routines, no bs.

Ask me anything here:

#NoJunk #restaurants #Healthcoach #WeightLoss

I'm a hands-on strength trainer and 25 year work from home digital professional in Orange, CT and I live the lifestyle I talk about.
Certified Yoga Teacher
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