I have been eliminating GMO and eating organic when possible for over 20 years. It was so long ago that when I began there was just a tiny section of weird food at the front of Stop & Shop in Stratford, CT lol and the only Whole Foods was called “Wild Oats” down in Westport, CT.  I believe elimination of processed foods from your diet is the absolute first step toward getting healthy. Removal of the junk, the poisons, the toxic chemical overload, the man-made franken-food, the industrial seed oils, the pesticide laden grains, the UNLABELED alcohol, 100 different forms of sugar. I call it “rat poison for humans”.

I recently learned of Jeffrey Smith through my IIN Health Coach training. After listening to his 50 minute lecture in my training materials, I went on to watch his film “Genetic Roulette” (embedded above, free). It articulates what I had felt intuitively and learned over time. Although I could do without the spooky soundtracks throughout, it really does break down what you need to know about GMO food including allergies, harmful effects, long-term issues and how toxic GMO foods are for humans.

Step 1 toward getting “healthy”: Eat REAL food. Organic when possible. Always look for this label and avoid things that don't include it.


Hello, I’m Michael Baker. I am a 49-year-old strength trainer, certified Yoga teacher, former yoga studio owner, certified health coach, and dedicated health and wellness practitioner with over 30 years of experience. I began "Get Up Earlier" (GetUpEarlier.com) because getting up earlier was step 1 in transforming my routine and overall well-being, especially after spending years sitting at a computer as a digital professional.

Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Health Coach.
25 Year WFH Professional

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