Join me in this guide on crafting a delicious, high-protein, low-carb smoothie bowl with a Stainless Steel Vitamix. I’ll walk you through detailed steps and share tips for perfect texture and flavor, using organic ingredients like whole milk yogurt and frozen fruits. You’ll also learn about the benefits of single-ingredient proteins and the advantages of using a stainless steel Vitamix, perfect for healthy meals and picky eaters.

Recipe: Organic Single Ingredient High-Protein, Low-Carb Smoothie Bowl

Per Serving:

Whole Milk Plain Yogurt: 1/4 – 1/2 cup
Whole Milk: 1/4 cup
Frozen Berries: 1/2 – 1 cup
Medium Frozen Banana: 1
Pea Protein: 1/4 cup
Collagen Peptides: 2 tbs

Macro Breakdown (Approximate, per serving):
Calories: 350-450 kcal
Protein: 40-54g
Carbohydrates: 30-45g
Fats: 5-10g
Fiber: 6-8g

Note: The macronutrient values may vary slightly based on the specific brands and sizes of the ingredients used.

Vitamix Stainless Steel:
Organic Pea Protein Isolate:
Non-GMO Pea Protein Isolate:
Grass-Fed Raw Whey:
Sports Research Collagen Peptides
Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips:

00:00:00 – Introduction to creating a healthy, kid-friendly smoothie bowl.
– Selecting whole milk plain yogurt for texture and consistency.
– Adjusting yogurt quantity for personal needs and nutritional content.
– Adding whole milk for a smoother blend.
00:01:32 – Utilizing frozen fruits like bananas and berries for texture.
– Freezing fruit process and its benefits in smoothies.
– Emphasizing the use of frozen fruit for ice cream-like consistency.
00:03:35 – Incorporating low-sugar fruits like raspberries and blackberries.
– Managing fruit portions to control sugar and carb intake.
– Balancing fruit sugars in a high-protein, low-carb diet.
– Setting up Vitamix Stainless Steel for optimal blending.
– Discussing the Vitamix tamper tool for efficient blending of frozen fruits.
– Benefits and personal preference for the stainless steel Vitamix container.
– Technique for blending and preventing fruit clumps.
00:07:41 – Safety and design of the Vitamix tamper in relation to blender blades.
00:08:05 – Gradually increasing Vitamix speed for better texture and consistency.
– Adding protein sources like collagen and pea protein.
– Highlighting single ingredient proteins for pure nutrition.
00:11:14 – Preference for pea protein over whey due to bioavailability and taste.
00:12:18 – Macro breakdown of the smoothie, emphasizing protein over carbs.
00:13:10 – Tips for adding protein powders without affecting texture.
00:13:58 – Customizing with toppings like grain-free granola and chocolate chips.
00:14:06 – Discussing calorie content in Enjoy Life chocolate chips.
00:14:49 – Teasing future nondairy smoothie bowl video.
– Additional nutritional considerations for toppings.
00:16:06 – Closing thoughts on high-protein, tasty smoothies for kids.
00:16:23 – Endorsement of Vitamix Stainless Steel and its effectiveness in smoothie preparation.

Hello, I’m Michael Baker. I am a 49-year-old strength trainer, certified Yoga teacher, former yoga studio owner, certified health coach, and dedicated health and wellness practitioner with over 30 years of experience. I began "Get Up Earlier" ( because getting up earlier was step 1 in transforming my routine and overall well-being, especially after spending years sitting at a computer as a digital professional.

Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Health Coach.
25 Year WFH Professional

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