

5 Reasons WALKING is the King of Fat Loss (Changed My Life)



This is great advice especially for people just starting a weight loss journey. You don't have to destroy yourself with cardio you just have to move more. Walking is the way.
The issue I have always had with walking is TIME. It's super time consuming. So, I inserted a walking treadmill right into my digital space and get steps in while I work. I can send email, research, do estimates/invoicing, take calls and walk at 1-1.5mph. It adds up if you do this consistently:

Whether it's 5:45am or 1:45pm. Cold, icy, dark, rainy you can still get the low-impact miles in. Take a listen to the video.

Whether it's 5:45am or 1:45pm. Cold, icy, dark, rainy you can still get the low-impact miles in. Take a listen to the video.

Walking while working at an under desk treadmill can have several benefits, including:

  1. Increased physical activity: Walking on a treadmill while working can help increase the amount of physical activity a person gets during the day, which can lead to improved overall health.

  2. Improved concentration and productivity: Some studies have shown that walking on a treadmill while working can improve focus and concentration, leading to increased productivity.

  3. Reduced stress: Walking on a treadmill can help reduce stress and tension in the body, which can lead to improved mental well-being.

  4. Increased calorie burn: Walking on a treadmill while working can help burn calories, which can aid in weight loss or maintenance.

  5. Low Impact Exercise: Walking is a low-impact exercise, which means it's gentler on your joints than running or jogging.

This is especially beneficial for any "digital professional" aka anyone who is at a desk in front of a computer all the time.

Michael Baker
Health Coach & Strength Training
Orange, CT or Virtual Anywhere
text: 203.907.8902
or reach out via the website:

Goplus Under Desk Treadmill on Amazon

I really love this under desk treadmill. I use it most mornings for at least 1 mile.
I'm a hands-on strength trainer and 25 year work from home digital professional in Orange, CT and I live the lifestyle I talk about.
Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Health Coach.
25 Year WFH Professional
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