The power of morning workouts and reframing your time.

So I got up at 4:20am this morning...Michael Baker https://michaelbakerwellness.com1-on-1 training in-person Orange, CT or Virtual AnywhereCoaching for Men 40+#Strength#Mobility#Nutrition#Lifestyle#GetUpEarlier#QuitTheGymKey Moments:00:00:00 Introduction and the importance of adjusting your schedule for exercise. 00:00:30 Discussing the possibility of restructuring your day for exercise and healthy habits. 00:00:54 Emphasizing the impact of alcohol and unhealthy habits on morning exercise.00:01:28 The choice between morning exercise and busy schedules. 00:01:44 The benefits of prioritizing exercise, even if it's uncomfortable. 00:02:04 The positive effects of early morning workouts, including better sleep. 00:02:26 The challenges of maintaining a disciplined schedule but its importance.00:02:45 Contrasting gym workouts with time-efficient road running.00:03:06 The idea of fitting short, efficient workouts into a busy schedule. 00:03:26 The importance of routines and healthy habits as people age. 00:03:57 The dangers of deviating from a healthy routine and indulging in unhealthy behaviors. 00:04:38 The cycle of compensatory eating and drinking after workouts. 00:04:59 The importance of getting up early, working out, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 00:05:33 The idea of making indulgences count and avoiding constant indulgence. 00:06:11 Discussing the increased resources and time available as people get older. 00:06:29 The importance of seeking guidance and accountability for a healthy lifestyle. 00:06:55 Encouraging viewers to reach out for help with scheduling and motivation.