Music is my most important supplement -Michael Baker

Without music, my workouts are awful.I like pairing new songs with my heavy sets or goal sets during weight workouts. I time it to get goosebumps as I start the set, making me feel like I'm on a high.I'm always lookin' for new and old favorites on Pandora. I got a playlist of about 325 songs called "Marathon" that I started when marathon training. Since then, it's grown and become like my own radio station, full of songs that pump me up. It's got metal, techno, old-school, hip-hop, and a mix of other stuff too.Straight Strat City.I really recommend exploring new music on Pandora and Spotify as much as re-connecting with favorites from your past. It's so wild.Check out my "Marathon" Pandora playlist: It's important to clean it up from time to time too. I just took out a bunch of songs that I found I was constantly skipping.This track is: Pressure (feat. Flowdan) by The Bug 🕷 and it pumped me up to go 6 reps with 90lb dumbbells clean and slow. Hope this helps get you in the ZONE👊Need help getting healthy and strong?Reach out text 203.907.8902 or email hereI'm a hands-on personal health coach, strength coach and yoga teacher in Orange, CT and I live the lifestyle I talk about.#DontWeaken#StrengthTraining#Weights#Lift#HealthCoach#PR