bad for an almost 50 year old digital nerd 🤓 yoga teacher from CT 💪 These dudes are machines and truly help motivate me to use my body weight for exercise more than ever.Here's the takeaway from this challenge:Start by doing 5 pushups and 5 squats on the minute and build up from there. You can do this anywhere you need a workout. No equipment! Add this in to a hike. Add this into a walk. Add this at the end of a weight workout.Follow all of these guys: @BrolyGainz007 @brysonholistics728 @gokupump @thatsgoodmoney @BARNATURALSMichael Bakere-RYT Male Yoga Teacher, #Lift #Hike #Yoga #Strength #Flexibility #Nutrition #calesthenics #challenge