Today I wasn't under the day to day pressure to wrap up fast. I was rested, free of injury and had prepared well with proper nutrition. Follow along as I do a 60+ min full strength upper-body workout.Demo: Iron Master Adjustable Dumbbell for quick weight changes. @IronmasterPro New PR: 49-year-old lifts 100 lb dumbbells x 7 on incline.Shrug drop-set: 275 x 8, 225 x 8, 185 x 12, 135 x failure.Isometric back/bicep holds, bodyweight & machine. Reference #mikementzer @athleanx @sam_sulek Lengthy triceps drop set.This is a log of my daily training: me anything, I’m happy to help if I can.I'm just a guy who works from home on his computer, who, ten years ago, would polish off a bottle of scotch over the weekend. I had let my strength and muscle fade away until one day I decided to take control and make changes.I am training for life or as Peter Attia @PeterAttiaMD calls it the "centenarian decathlon". Every day, working toward a goal of enhancing and maintaining strength, muscle mass, endurance, mobility and flexibility to be a kick-ass 85+ year old.Michael Bakere-RYT Male Yoga Teacher, CHC, 25 Year #WFH Digital ProActively training for the Centenarian Decathlon #Lift #Hike #Yoga #Strength #Flexibility #Nutrition #Digital #AI #WordPress #WorkFromHome