Bring Sally Up David Goggins Pushup Challenge Follow Along + 100 Rep Set - Work From Home Workout have been working on this Bring Sally Up Challenge for about 2 months now. My first time out totally underestimating how hard it was. I got 1 "round" in before tanking. Now I'm at 3 rounds. David Goggins was the 1st person I saw do it and this is the video I watched that inspired me to try it.I consider a round when the music holds you in low plank for an extended period of time.Before the form police come knockin I'm working on going lower and for longer sets. I mean I work at it hard probably 3x per week now. One thing I found I can do to extend the set rather than just stop is dropping to my knees to continue the set.I will complete it soon!00:00:00 Intro / Rules00:01:12 Bring Sally Up Challenge00:04:46 100 Rep set add onThis is a log of my daily training: me anything, I’m happy to help if I can.I am training for life or as Peter Attia @PeterAttiaMD calls it the "centenarian decathlon". Every day, working toward a goal of enhancing and maintaining strength, muscle mass, endurance, mobility and flexibility to be a kick-ass 85+ year old.Michael Bakere-RYT Male Yoga Teacher, CHC, 25 Year WFH Digital ProActively training for the Centenarian