2 Minute Squat Hold - Peter Attia Longevity Strength Test for Over 40 Years Old

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnAMQMf9HuUThis is one of Peter Attia's strength tests discussed in "Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman" (link:

• Best Exercises for Overall Health & L... ). Think now about getting out of a chair unassisted when you're 85. I know that's weird but remember at 50 you're as far away from 70 as you are 30. Yep. My personal tip is to add a squat hold 1-3 times during any walk or hike to incorporate a bit of strength training into your low-intensity cardio routine. I usually start with the longest hold first, and my capacity decreases as I do more holds during the walk or hike. I also regularly engage in heavy barbell squats, extended sets of air squats, hill sprints, and running. Interestingly, I began doing these exercises during yoga about 15 years ago, even though they weren't recognized as longevity exercises at the time. But it became clear rather quickly that these holds and similar exercises had significant benefits. Give it a try now! More @ GetUpEarlier.com