1st Strength Training Session After FAMILY VACATION. Mike's Training Log 2/23 #strengthtraining

50 minute full steam weight session after 4 days in NYC with the family. I did a few light workouts leading up to this and hit the squats hard yesterday. My whole lower body was sore so I focused on upper body.Flat Dumbbells with the Iron Master Adjustable Dumbbells (100lbs x 7)DipsBicep Pulldowns"Bring Sally Up" challenge Dumbbell PulloversTriceps Drop-SetThis is a log of my daily training:https://learn.getupearlier.com/t/mikeb-workout-log/67Ask me anything, I’m happy to help if I can.I am training for life or as Peter Attia @PeterAttiaMD calls it the "centenarian decathlon". Every day, working toward a goal of enhancing and maintaining strength, muscle mass, endurance, mobility and flexibility to be a kick-ass 85+ year old.Michael Bakere-RYT Male Yoga Teacher, CHCActively training for the Centenarian Decathlonwww.GetUpEarlier.com#Run #Lift #Hike #Yoga #Strength #Flexibility #Nutrition